In the past 24 hours, I have had several thoughts and experiences that would be great to publish. When I started this blog, I was afraid I would have nothing to write. It's good to know that I will be able to post something at least once a day. But I don't know if I should write it all down now and publish it or write down and publish one post per day. Hmmm...
Oh, I see that there is a 'save as draft' option. It seems I will be able to do both: write it down now but publsih it later.
So, where was I? Oh, yes, the origin of my usename, cbaker81. Well, it all started in highschool. I can't really remember when but it was the time I found out about the internet and email. I wanted to try it out see what I could do. The first thing I did - heck, what most of us do - is create an email account. I chose to use Hotmail.
But I wanted a cool name. I wanted something that would let me blend in and yet stand out at the same time. You could say that I wanted a name that was me, but also not me. Sound confusing? Well, you can think about it this way, I wanted to have a pen name that still kept the essence of my name.
Most people don't know my full name: Aldwin Christopher Baking Catral. Seeing that I had two names that didn't see much usage (Christopher and Baking), I decided to use them. But people mispronounced Baking as "bay-king" and not "ba-king" so I decided to return it to the original word from which it was derived. Hence, the name Christopher Baker.
So where did the 81 come from? I wasn't born then, but rather in 79. As I entered 'cbaker79' as my preferred username, Hotmail informed me that it was already taken and suggested some other names. I decided to let fate choose for me and it selected 'cbaker81'.
Because it's a lot easier to remember and I didn't want to create any other account by another name I would have to remember, i decided to accept it. So I stayed with it from then on. Almsot all my accounts are registed with 'cbaker81' except for a certain few.
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