Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Christmas and New Year Article

I'm too old to believe in miracles. For me, Christmas and New Year has become just another day. Sure, there's the trips, the presents, and the food but I don't feel I really enjoy it that much. At least, not as much when I was a kid. As if to drive the point home, I was struck with a fever and the flu. I was pretty miserable, to tell you the truth.

But every so often, I am surprised that people care about me. Sure, I didn't get any expensive gifts but it's the thought that counts, right? The fact they would take the time and spend the money to get me something goes along way. I once bought and expensive bouquet of flowers for someone who treated me to an accessory worth P25. Sounds too much, right? But I wanted to repay the kindness she did for me.

Anyway, it does my heart good to know that people think well of me. Even though I am just doing my job, knowing that people are touched by what I do makes me happy to be alive. I may not believe in miracles, but I do believe in kindness. And it should be rewarded.

It's supposed to be the New Year but I don't feel as if I am beginning anew. In fact, I feel as if I was in the middle of things that may be resolved this year. December was a pretty busy month for me. Not for work but for personal stuff. I might have taken the first step to a journey that I should have taken 8 years ago. Perhaps now, I'll find out what I've been missing.


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