Saturday, June 11, 2005

My Day Off

It's my day off today. I feel kind of disappointed that it's only for two days. I wish I could have more but I know that even then I would feel as if it weren't enough. I have a lot of things I could do but I haven't been able to get myself to do it. I think it's just the laziness in me.

My brother celebrated his birthday last June 9; he turned 25. As in the previous year, he decided to lie low and not make a big deal out of it. I still haven't gotten him a present. He's always complaining about the fact he doesn't get any surprises. Usually because we always give him money or let him choose what he wants then we but it for him.

As his brother, you'd think I'd know what he would like. I do but they are either too expensive or detrimental to his health. I could buy him a new lighter, a pack of cigarettes or a bottle of liquor. But I don't want to encourage his vices.

Tobie is coming home from the US. After 4 weeks of touring the West Coast, visiting relatives and participating at a Con, he's finally coming back. Tis time to game on! Have safe trip back, my friend.

It's my day off but I can't stop thinking about work. Before I left the office, I was acting like a total idiot, dancing around, singing and harassing my agents. I guess I was just too happy about it being nmy day off. Now that I'm at home, I'm pretty much trying to decide if I should work on my unofficial assigment.

My boss's boss wants me to make a proposal for the suggestion I made about using a third-party fax sender. You see, a lot of the time, our customers are requesting that faxes be sent to them. As a rule, we don't offer that service; we send it through email. Or rather, the client doesn't. But to make our customer's happy, we do it. Unfortunately, we're wasting a lot of paper, ink and time. Not to mention that our fax is litterally being held together by scotch tape and thread.

I spent the day looking for something good to buy. I hated the fact that there was no "Lord of the Rings Trilogy" Extended Version Set here. Nowhere was there a video shop selling it. Most of their inventory was crap.

I did find something I had been looking for in a long time: Transformers the Movie. Hehehe! I've been looking for this film for a long time. I got a copy for P100. Though the image wasn't too detailed, it blew me away again. I felt like a kid, smiling a geeky smile as I watched the Autobots fight the Decepticons.

The Battle for Middle Earth game this Friday got post-poned until next week. Gerbert and I had other business to attend to. Too bad, because my business (family dinner) didn't go through. So I'm at home doing nothing. Well, not necessarily nothing. I'm updating my blog, researching on my office project and figuring out my company's stock option plans.

The latter is giving me a headache!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

walang bang Bio-man? hehehehe

6:04 PM  

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