Sunday, March 16, 2008

Janina San Miguel Scandal

A friend sent me an email thinking I would get a laugh out of it. Instead, I was fairly embarassed. I couldn't watch the entire clip; I had to pause every minutes or so to work up the courage to watch the rest of it. Everyone else found it amusing to see someone make a fool of herself on live television. Though she may have won the title, it will forever carry a stigma for her.

Most people laughed at her. Some were outraged that she won anyway. What I didn't expect was for someone to defend her. A columnist from the Inquirer said that we shouldn't make fun of her since these contests were hard and stressful for the participants. I would agree on him on that part.

Except that if that were the case, why does she deserve to win when the others managed to handle the pressure? Shouldn't they be more deserving of the title? By selecting her as a winner, what kind of message does that send out?

I'll tell you. Beauty is will always overshadow intellect - and our society will continue to promote that. Too bad we missed the opportunity to prove that looks aren't everything.

No wonder it's called a beauty pagent.


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