Monday, February 11, 2008

Arguments - Part 1

This is in response from my previous article "This Week's Readings Pissed Me Off"

Aldwin: But wouldn't your statement put into question God being perfect? After all, why would God make things flawed? What the Garden of Eden serves to illustrate is time when things were perfect. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, that story serves to illustrate is how mankind fell from grace. That is, became imperfect.

Joan: No, it doesnt put to question God being perfect. The book said the things he made were "good", not perfect, not flawless. He made humans in his image, he did not make other gods. It doesnt say that it was a perfect time. Only that it was a time of plenty and when things were simple. what it illustrates is how Man in a creative overuse of his newly found freedom disobeyed a simple command.


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