Monday, September 06, 2004

I Dreamt of Maui...

I had a dream last night involving Maui Taylor. I don't know why though since I didn't watch any movies or read any articles with her in it. I don't even like her. Don't get me wrong, I think she's attractive. I just don't think I'd be fascinated by her.
Anyway, I think we were both in a theater or part of a play. She was telling me how nervous she was because this was her first time acting in on a stage. I wasn't in the play. I was more of a props guy or reviewer that had backstage access. I wonder how to interpret this.
People I know believe that what you dream is actually what will not happen or the opposite of what will happen. If this were true, then, I will be thankful mor ethan disappointed. I've had too many dreams where I was driving a car I had not control over.
Most psychologists, on the other hand, believe that the people, objects and actions in our dreams are a metaphor for something in the real world.
For example, Maui Taylor could represent something I find attractive but have no experience in (drawing comic book characters). And her acting out in a play for the first time would be exhibiting my talent or my works and the nervousness I would feel. The fact that I am a props guy or a reviewer in the dream could represent my current standing: objective and distant observer or critic.
Either that or I just want to have meaningless sex with Maui Taylor.


Blogger Tobie said...

Maui Taylor = Sam


12:39 AM  
Blogger Aldwin Christopher said...

Sam = Maui Taylor with bigger breasts! LOL

1:08 AM  

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