Sunday, October 21, 2007

One More Chance

I was flipping channels this weekend when I came upon a movie trailer for a local film. I don't recall who the actors were - and frankly, I don't care. But the basic plot of the movie is about two people breaking up and what happens after. Needless to say, it was a tear-jerker because everyone who has even been in and out of love has experienced the same things showcased in the film.

The trailer asked the question most people who have ever been in a relationship want to know but fear the answer to:

"When should you hold on?" and "When should you let go?"

I found myself asking that same question too. For those of you who don't know, I just broke up with my girlfriend of 8 months. Though it is tempting to use it as a case study for this article, I'd prefer to speak in general. Still not comfortable talking about it and, as my "therapist" says, it's too early to tell.

The answer to those questions is the same to most of life's mysteries: it depends. On a lot of things. Mostly how you feel and the circumstance you are in. It would be great to be able to have an all-encompassing answer but that isn't always fair or accurate for everyone.

I guess the best way to go about it is just make a choice and see if it works. If it does, good for you. If it doesn't, well, you can ask the question again and give a new answer. In the end, whatever works for you is the best answer. Just make sure you answer it.


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